I IMAGINED something today about the concept of deadlines
in regards to our visualizations. See, what has been explained
to me so far is that when we set a deadline it is a best guess
as to when we will achieve an objective. In most cases if we
imagine, visualize, or auto suggest properly we will be within
this deadline. If we are not within the deadline no problem
just change the deadline. That feels too fuzzy for me.
See, I think its something different almost entirely.
I think it has to do with time placement. We are in a sense
time traveling to the exact location we visualize at the moment
of inception. Its immediate. The only thing we can do now is
change the supposed manifestation of the physical equivalent.
I think the real question is this. How much of your true essence
is really filled up with this new YOU, RIGHT NOW?
Time is not an obstacle as really there is no such thing as time.
Wait what?! You just told me we are traveling in time to our new
selves you may ask. Not exactly. We as humans place so much
importance on time so this SEEMS to be something important. Ask a dog
what time is it? It doesn`t have any idea what time it is. Time is
not part of its paradigm at all! Same thing is true for a rock, or
even a planet. In fact time is simply a measuring stick for humans!
And because we give so much importance and energy to this non
existent entity to us time is very real. Well I am here to say it is not
anything but a measuring stick. Can we alter a measuring stick? Yes
we can, but who cares?
What are YOU right here right now? That's all that matters. NOW.
How much of YOU is this new YOU? How do YOU feel? How often
do you think of this new YOU as YOU? Is it throughout the entire day?
Is it when you read powerful books? What is within your core at all
times? Do YOU breathe it, eat it, drink it, sleep it? Is this NEW you flowing
through your entire being right NOW all day long?
If not then that is the objective. That is what we are learning to do.
So we must apply this right now right here as much as possible.
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