Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Bob Proctor Streaming Club.Consiousness is light. Everything living is attracted to the light.Be the light .

My 4/23/2013 Notes off of Bob Proctor`s LIVE streaming club archives from Dec,3rd 2012 with Mary Morrissey.

Dealing with uncertainty.
Beware  of your natural impulses.
Survival instinct kicks in and you ask yourself where can  things go  wrong?
How can I get hurt?
This is only to protect you of something negative,but totally dismisses  everything positive.
So in turn you are focusing on  everything negative  like  losses.
Your challenge is to overlook these  natural impulses.
Uncertainty  has become the new normal.
So if you don`t manage it you will be out of  luck.
Its  good to look  at  the  negatives  as  a  survival  mechanism  but  don't get LOCKED  in  on them,
because  once you LOCK in  on  them  you are  now in  constant  uncertainty  like 97% of  the people.
Natural instincts are part of the paradigm .We don't want those  to  control us.

Q&A  with  Mary,Bob,&Sandra

Q.Does being calm and confident have to do with breathing patterns?
A.The  breathing  does  affect  you nervous  system, so both effects  each  other to help you become calm  and confident.

Q.What exercises exsist to help manage oneself during uncertainty?
A. Get  a  very positive  affirmation."I  am  so happy  and  greatful now that I am in such  a  calm and confident state and have absolute control of my thinking"  say  it  over and over  again.

The answers  to  our  problems  are  not  on  the  frequency of our worry but just the opposite. The answers lie in your calm confident state or feelings.

Q. How can I move  through uncertainty?
A. Just keep moving through it.

3  step  approach
  from Michael Beckworth
1.  It  is  what  it  is so accept it.
2.  Look for  the  good.
3. Forgive all the rest

Q. Would I be correct  that  the  most important ingredient in  all of  this is attitude?
A.  Yes  it  is. Attitude is the composite of thoughts feelings and actions(lots of people don't know what attitude is). Once  all align with each other that  makes  a good  attitude  and will follow your command.

Everything is energy and it can be no other way. Match the frequency of what you want and that will be your realty.This is physics
 -  Albert Einstein

Repetition is the key to freedom.

Bob admits that yes he does  occasionally have a bad attitude,but he goes  there allot  less than he  used  to  and  not as  often. Maybe  5  min  here  and  there.

Q.How do you know what frequency your goal is on?
A.You will be on the correct frequency  when you see yourself and feel yourself as already there you are then on the correct frequency.

What invokes the law of attraction "the secret" is your interest and attention.

You  gotta  expect  what  you  really  want  and  not  just  want  it.

Hold  that image in your mind  of  what  you  really want  and it absolutely  has to manifest itself!

Consciousness is light. Everything is attracted to the light.Be the light .

We don't get energy we release energy. Do what you love .


**Contact me anytime to chat or meet video conference to join my master mind group session/study.

Expect To Win!
(pls subscribe to my blog & vlog)

your friend
Patrick Posz

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