Friday, April 26, 2013

Bob Proctor Streaming Club.Visioneering Triggering



Order of Visualization
The exercise of visualizing faculty keeps your mind in order

Sandra Gallagher is now the CEO of LIFE Success Group and she mentions that in 2006 she went to Bob Proctor`s seminar for the first time. She wrote down in tiny letters in a green book that she would be in the inside circle of Bob Proctor`s companies and it  did  come  true. She used visioneering for this.

We have to exercise our visioneering habits so that it becomes the new norm in our life. This becomes orderly and comfortable. It is not forced but now very natural.No jerky movement. It is a nice beautiful and the things that you need will come to you when you need them.

Twice a day, picture your desire exactly as you want it.As if its already accomplished.
It doesn't have to take a long time.You are boosting up to a better vibration because you are now in a different vibration.

Your thought are now not so chaotic. Your thoughts are no proceeding in  a more orderly way.
You are no longer  in a state of mental  hurry.You have reached a state of ordered mentality.
Hurry is Fear, and consequently  destructive.

When you are in fear that's all you will attract.

So with  visioneering you are triggering a switch from fear to a calm confidence of vibration.

The deeper your understanding and belief of these exercises the faster it works for you. So the more we apply these exercises and study them the more understanding we develop.

Everyone visualizes ,whether they know it or not.  Most people visualize what they do not want.

The conscious use of this great power attracts to you multiplied resources.

Bob has found that most highly successful people cannot articulate as to why they have become successful.
**Contact me anytime to chat or meet video conference to join my master mind group session/study.

Expect To Win!
(pls subscribe to my blog & vlog)

your friend
Patrick Posz

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