Monday, May 20, 2013

Bob Proctor Streaming Club. Develop and maintain a sense of urgency.Co author of Chicken Soup for the Soul is a guest

Want to visualize something but not sure what or how? Check out this program with the online hypnotic master Jon Mercer.Scroll down to the free video "Cash Money Magic" and just sit back and enjoy the ride ;--> Cash Money Magic

The Law of Compensation clearly states
The amount of money you earn will always be in exact ration to....
1. The NEED for what you do.
2.Your ABILITY to do it.
3. The DIFFICULTY there will be in REPLACING YOU.

There are 3 types of GOALS:
A type Goal :You know how to do it
B type Goal : You think you can do it
C type Goal: What YOU really want to do ( we want to be in the C goal bracket)

Become a master at whatever you do

For the Bob Proctor Club  get an online meeting set with sales companies for 

Mark Victor Hansen is a guest who was a co author chicken soup for the soul Develop and maintain a sense of urgency
*getting a lot done in a
*short period of time
*in a calm and confident manner
If you dont create a sense of urgency in what you do you create panic everywhere
Think about these numbers
3% of the population are earning 97% of the wealth being earned
Three income earning strategies
M3 1% Trading Time/MSI`s earns 96% of wealth
M2 3% of population Trading Money/Money
M1 96% of population Trading Time/Money
If you feel  prosperous you get more prosperous
Right down a goal card and put it in your pocket.Look at it and feel it at lease 4 times per day
Fear is the biggest turnaket blocking from achieving a goal .So Fear Not.
When you change your mind you change your life.
Its a decision and then you find the solution as you go.
Turn it into the habit to introduce people to the streaming club and you will have your multiple source of income @$44 per month
OUR world is changing fast
Its not getting bigger its getting smaller
We can connect  with anyone in the world
Mark  said the scariest thing that ever happened to him was going bankrupt .He lost 2million dollars  in one day. Than he bounced back and started going to seminars.
Bob said the scariest thing he did was to quit the fire department
After he read Think and Grow Rich he quit the fire dept and started a cleaning business.
Mark said you are thinking right acting right or talking right or you are not. Its simple as that.
When someone is giving advice look at the result they are getting
be a co influencer
One of Mark`s book is called Cash in a Flash
What if my kid`s life depended on me introducing 1000 people into the streaming club?
Then  100 becomes easy Mark said
Sandy remembered that Bob said the hardest thing he ever did was to realize how EASY it is to make money.

Bob has found that most highly successful people cannot articulate as to why they have become successful.
Want to visualize something but not sure what or how? Check out this program with the online hypnotic master Jon Mercer.Scroll down to the free video "Cash Money Magic" and just sit back and enjoy the ride ;--> Cash Money Magic

**Contact me anytime to chat or meet video conference to join my master mind group session/study.

Expect To Win!
(pls subscribe to my blog & vlog)

your friend
Patrick Posz/ connect on LinkedIn here:--->My LinkedIn account 

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